Since its version 0.9905 BlogThèque is multilingual.
The webmaster has a tool that allows to define the language of each site as well as the different domains and/or subdomains to use to switch from one language to another.
This allows users:
1°/ to add a specific entry to the navigation menu so that Internet users can easily switch from one language to another.
2°/ to create automatic links between articles written in different languages.
For example, if you go to this article, you will find a specific menu that allows you to automatically switch from the French version to the English version and vice versa.
I am currently completing the language file in English (for Internet users to navigate). We will then need to tackle the language file for the administration interface, which is currently in French. The use of language files will subsequently allow for rapid translations and adaptations.
Should it be noted that BlogThèque does not translate texts posted by users...